How much does it cost to play ICE Poker?
A connection to the internet.

You can find a Delegator (someone who owns an ICE Poker NFT that can delegate use of it) by either joining the Decentral Games Discord or finding someone tweeting the #icepoker hashtag and begin playing ICE Poker for $0.
However, when you use someone else's delegated item, they keep a percentage of the $ice you earn and all of the XP. If you are anything like me, you will want to own your own set of ICE Poker NFTs and 100% of the profits once you see the $ice starting to accumulate and realize someone else is keeping half of your earnings.
How much does it cost to play ICE Poker as an owner?
Short Answer: $175-$2500
Long Answer: That's a wide range, so let's dive into the details and see exactly what you are getting for your money at each end of the spectrum.
At the time of writing, a Level 1 ICE NFT costs the equivalent of $175. With this item, you will have access to Decentrland-based ICE Poker and the potential to earn an average of $1 to $2 daily.
What about the player who wants the best possible ICE Poker loadout?
When it comes to putting together "the best possible ICE Poker Loadout," the critical information to know is:
Players can use five NFTs simultaneously
NFTs go to level 5
Level 5 NFTs have a Bonus percentage ranging from 35-45%
The best possible loadout for bonus percentage would be five level-5 items with a 45% bonus. At the time of writing, the cheapest combination of 45% items would cost $2500~.
Now, if you really want to get into the weeds, at the time of writing, there are 18 different Lines, and 17 make a themed outfit, and some of the earlier lines have a lower total supply and greater collectibility.
So if you wanted to put together a Gen 1 or Gen 2 set, it would cost you considerably more than $2500, but since there aren't enough OpenSea listings to make a complete set of either, I don't want to estimate what the cost and effort required to get an entire one of those lines would be. Trust that it would be significantly more than $2500.
With a loadout of only 45% ICE Poker NFTs the average $ice earned will be 7x higher than a single level 1 item.
The best part is that Decentral Games has developed a gaming ecosystem where it is simple to go from a $0 investment to owning a stable worth of NFTs. However, just like everything else, you can get a leg up and accelerate the process if you are willing to spend money.
If you find a delegator and demonstrate you deserve a 5-item delegation, an average player can earn enough ice to unlock an NFT in 30-40 days, while a good player could get theirs in just over 20 days.
If you play Poker, real money or free-to-play, unless you are one of the few winning players, you would be better served to pay the upfront cost for an ICE Poker NFT and play a game where when you lose, you lose $0, and when you win, you earn $ice that can be used in-game or exchanged for USDC.
How does the cost of ICE Poker compare to other Hobbies?
Now that we've established the price to play ICE Poker, it's time to figure out how that compares to other hobbies.
Golf, for example, can be an expensive hobby to get into, as it requires a a good bit of equipment: clubs, balls, and greens fees to play at a course add up fast.
The cost of starting to play golf will depend on several factors, including the type of equipment you purchase, the frequency with which you play, and any membership or subscription fees you choose to pay.
Here are some estimates of the costs you might expect to incur as a beginner golfer:
Golf clubs: $400-$1,000 or more
Golf balls: $20-$50 per dozen
Golf bag: $100-$300
Greens fees: $20-$100 or more per round
Golf shoes: $100-$200
Golf apparel: $100-$300
Low-End Startup Cost: $740 for one round of golf.
Magic The Gathering:
Depending on the format you want to play, MTG has almost the same cost range:
Standard - $106 - $465 (Rotating format and will need to be replaced)
Modern - $500 - $1400
Legacy - $2,000 - $6000
Vintage - $18,500 - $80,000
Low-End Startup Cost: $106~ +maintaince costs to keep deck "Standard Legal."
Since it is a web3 game, ICE Poker shares an important characteristic with games like Magic The Gathering. When you eventually decide to move on to a new hobby, you can sell your collection to the next generation of gamers.
At the lower end of the price range, you can find basic point-and-shoot cameras or basic DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras that offer entry-level features and are suitable for those just starting in photography. These cameras can cost anywhere from $200 to $800.
If you are looking for a more advanced camera with more features and better image quality, you would want a mid-range DSLR or mirrorless camera. These cameras can cost from $800 to $1500.
The current entry price for an ICE Poker wearable is comparable to or lower than many other popular hobbies. It is an excellent option for any poker enthusiast if approached as a game for fun and not a crypto investment.
I do not encourage anyone to buy gaming assets as an investment, and you should not consider anything I said as "investing advice."
I don't know how to make money, but I'm good at having fun.